Monday, October 2, 2017

Cleaning Out the Gecko Cage

We all have routine tasks we tend to put off— changing the oil, mowing the lawn, or cleaning out the gecko cage. Today’s poem asks you to perform a menial task (weeding, washing the car, organizing your closet) and write in detail about not only what you did, but what you were thinking about while you did it. ~ Silano, Martha; Agodon, Kelli. The Daily Poet: Day-By-Day Prompts For Your Writing Practice (p. 277).
My sole focus for a year became meetings, prayers, phone calls, literature, and most importantly, the simple food plan I shared with my sponsor. This laid down the basis for the first Step, upon which I built a new life and experienced the personality change necessary for recovery. ~  Overeaters Anonymous, Third Edition (Kindle Locations 663-664). 
I have a computerized meeting Monday morning,
a face-to-face one at eight in the morning Wednesdays,
a temporary one on Thursdays for a while...with homework!
I sit outside with the dogs on arising, pray the Third Step,
Seventh Step and Serenity Prayers, a "not-my-will-but-yours"
tagged on, read the day's reading in For Today, Voices of Recovery,
and Courage to Change besides refreshing the dogs' water.
I call my sponsor at a weekly agreed time, hear from sponsees
daily by text, message, and email with occasional phone calls.
I review the day by looking at me, my issues, my hopes,
sharing the poem to do service to those who see it.
My food plan works best, is most honest when I record my food
in an online program to ascertain it remains within standards
for calories, fiber, fat and protein. The list is menial,
repetitive, an aim not always met, a gecko cage I could clean better,
but an ideal that I know brings me closer to a life full of Recovery,
a life for which I talk a good program, the one for which I strive,
a goal for life I come close enough to that I know joy, love,
serenity beyond all the decades of pain as well as beyond my wildest dreams!


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