Sunday, November 10, 2013


It is when the outcome isn't earth shattering that I struggle with the choice. ~ Linda T
Hundreds of shoes that fit, hours to choose?
Two pair in your size, quick decision.
They once defined proof beyond reasonable doubtto be that level of proof we would rely on
in the most important decisions of our lives.
It's a standard we know and understand
even when we can't put it in so many words.
And we ask others' opinions, we study,
we make a decision. But the little stuff…
am I going to follow routine and take time
to gather my thoughts, to ask direction,
on a morning I'm running late?
Maybe, maybe not. But that can be the choice
that makes the difference in the day,
in the day to follow, for weeks and months,
to lead in a new direction without any decision
drawing our attention.

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