Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Getting My Way

I get upset when I don't get my way and the only answer is to not have a way. ~ Miranda O'D
...praying only for knowledge of His will
and the power to carry that out.
Independence, a prized possession
from the time we can put on shoes,
know the toy we prefer, take off running.
Accountability, self-supporting, on our own,
measuring rods for maturity, for growing up.
Decisive, determined, knowing your own mind,
evidence of leadership, of maturity.
The course of our lives, long established,
is to know ourselves, our goals, our intentions.
The only problem? It doesn't work,
leads to fear, to doubt, to guilt and shame...
When our way aligns itself with the Power that is,
when our will is set aside,
only then can we really have our way.

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